Wednesday, April 7, 2010

It Was Love

It was love that carried Him from the table to the cross.
It was love that caused Him to be betrayed by a kiss.
It was love that coped with the whip’s strong blow.
It was love.

It was love that relentlessly drove Him to the hill.
It was love that received the hammer’s blows.
It was love that restrained His cries for relief.
It was love.

It was love that offered up His life.
It was love that opened not His mouth.
It was love that overflowed as blood.
It was love.

It was love that sin was poured upon Him.
It was love that shame was worn as a robe.
It was love that sorrow was endured.
It was love.

It was love that salvation was accomplished.
It was love that sunset brought anguish.
It was love that sunrise brought resurrection.
It was love.

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