Over the past few weeks I have been teaching and encouraging people to focus on the sovereignty of God. This has come in the form of lectures on Wednesday nights at Immanuel Baptist and it has come in the context of many private conversations as people have had to deal with various personal struggles. One of the aids God has provided to me (and countless others) is the book
Trusting God by Jerry Bridges. It is a great summation of what God's Word has to say about learning to trust God when times are at their most difficult. In addition, it answers questions that help us understand how God is still good to us even when our lives seem to be at their worst. You can find lectures delivered by Bridges
here that help lay a foundation for his book.
Trusting God is a difficult task for us, especially when we are struggling to make sense of life's events. I hope you'll take time to read or watch these videos and find the great comfort I did as we learn to rest in God's sovereignty.
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